Export to Kuwait Fire Service Directorate.
It was BIG and successful challenge for S. Houtris Ltd to manufacture, export and deliver three (3) supporting Fire Trucks to Kuwait Fire Service Directorate.
It was BIG and successful challenge for S. Houtris Ltd to manufacture, export and deliver three (3) supporting Fire Trucks to Kuwait Fire Service Directorate.
S. Houtris & Sons Ltd completed successfully, one more public tender by designing and manufacturing four ultra modern.
LarnacaInternational Airport upgraded their waste management solution with two NEW organic waste compactors.
Prime Tel fleet increases with one more complete multipurpose truck with a fully automatic FERRARI crane.
S. Houtris Ltd has always been on the cutting edge in the installation of High pressure kits with membrane and piston pumps.
S. Houtris Ltd fabricates stainless steel tanks according to our customers’ needs and wants.
One of the world’s best destination, Limassol Marina has now involved into a complete waste management!
A new machine has been delivered to one of the best sea side destination all over the world by S. Houtris & Sons ltd.
S. Houtris always provide S.M.A.R.T solutions to its customer’s needs.
A wet waste portable compactor delivers to American Heart Institute their waste management solution!